Through our work in arts and culture, education and the English language, we participate in programmes which create ideas, innovation and real change to combat climate change. Creativity is an essential skill for an evolving society and economy, and can help to find innovative solutions to tackle global challenges such as the climate emergency.
Examples of British Council Programmes which contribute to Goal 13:
Case study: The Climate Connection
SDG 13 – Climate, also contributing to SDG 4 - Education, SDG 5 - Gender, SDG 8 – Decent Work, SDG 10 - Equality, SDG 16 – Peace and SDG 17 - Partnership.
The Climate Connection is funded by the British Council’s FCDO grant and provides a global platform for dialogue, cooperation and action against climate change. It engages people through three interconnected activity strands in the arts/cuture, education and English sectors:
1. Engaging young people – It puts young people at the centre of climate change solutions, by giving them a platform to participate in dialogue, debate and action. It will also engage teachers, youth and community networks, early career researchers and marginalised groups such as women and girls, while amplifying voices from the Global South.
2. Engaging leaders and policymakers – It provides a platform for young people to connect with leaders and policymakers from the UK and the world through debates and discussions on climate change, giving both sides the chance to share perspectives and learn from each other’s actions.
3. Engaging the public – It works to build the public’s trust in climate science, by amplifying youth voices, engaging different parts of society in climate change discussions, highlighting innovative climate solutions and widening access to, and understanding of, research and policy in the run up to, and beyond, COP26.
Working through our partnerships across countries and sectors, we focus on:
Building skills and knowledge - we develop and deliver education and English projects, resources, training, and study opportunities to help people gain the knowledge and skills to act on climate change. We put young people at the heart of the climate dialogue, equipping them with leadership and advocacy skills.
Climate research - we have a growing body of research across arts and culture, education and English which brings new insights and analysis to the global climate debate and helps to inform policy and practice.
Artistic and cultural responses to climate change - we support people across the arts and cultural sectors to develop new, innovative responses to the climate challenge, and help them connect with the science and climate sectors to bring new dimensions to their work protecting culture heritage for climate change.