This report explores co-operation between Polish and British universities in the transnational education (TNE) area.

The report seeks to:

  • identify successful co-operation between Polish and UK universities in the area of TNE
  • define the success factors and challenges for UK-Polish TNE partnerships
  • propose future courses of action and proposals of institutional solutions to encourage the establishment of new partnerships.

Researchers asked:

  1. What are the determinants of successful co-operation between Polish and UK universities?
  2. What are the obstacles and problems faced by the Polish and UK partners in establishing and continuing the co-operation?
  3. What actions or regulations of authorities would positively influence the development of further co-operation?

The report explores four case studies of different types of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Poland and their TNE activities with partners in the UK. One case is a unique example of a foreign branch campus of a UK university – Coventry University Wrocław.

It also outlines the background to UK-Polish collaboration in TNE – the structure of Poland’s higher education system, the regulatory environment in Poland, and some of the wider factors contributing to rising interest in UK TNE in Poland.