Charlie Walker facing the camera with trees and sky in the background

Charlie Walker MBE, is Director of the British Council’s Global Network. He is responsible for the strategic alignment, effectiveness and sustainability of the 109 country operations in our overseas network. His focus includes strategy and planning, resourcing, risk and people. 

Charlie was appointed to this role after four years in the Global Network Team as Regional Head for the Americas, Europe and Wider Europe, more recently as Deputy Director.  

Until 2016, Charlie occupied a number of overseas roles – most recently Director for Saudi Arabia and the wider Gulf region. In this role, he was responsible for shaping the British Council’s response to the cross-Whitehall drive for deeper engagement with the Gulf States through the Gulf Strategy.  

In previous roles, Charlie served as Deputy Director India, Director Jordan and Director Karachi in Pakistan.  

He joined the British Council in Cairo in 1992 as an English Language specialist, and led teaching and exams operations in both Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.  

Charlie lives on the Kent coast, is a tennis enthusiast, a keen walker and an amateur cook.