Woman looking up from computer

Mat Wright

To maintain accreditation for your centre, you must submit a completed annual declaration form each year. Links to complete the online annual declaration have already been emailed to providers this year (2023). No action is required until the email is received.

Tell us about changes

If there are changes to provision in your centre, such as a change of owner, principal or academic manager, new premises or other major changes, tell us immediately using the Notification of changes form (Word 60KB). 

Opening a new school or centre

If your accredited centre is opening a new school or centre, submit a Request for an extension of accreditation form (Word 70KB). This form must be completed by the main contact in the accredited organisation.


Accredited centres are reinspected every four years. The Accreditation Unit will contact you with a proposed month of inspection and relevant application deadlines.

Various templates are available to help you prepare for inspection.

See Inspection documentation and guidance (PDF 765MB)

Self evaluation template

You can self-evaluate your organisation against the inspection criteria. Use this template to see whether your centre meets the requirements and refer to the self-evaluation examples

Self evaluation template 2024 (Word 103KB)

Self evaluation examples (PDF 605KB)

Points to be addressed (Action plan template)

Where you have 'Points to be addressed' on an inspection report, you need to submit an Action plan (Word 56KB) in preparation for the next inspection, or earlier as required by the Accreditation Scheme Advisory Committee (ASAC).

Your plan will include a timeframe and will form part of the next inspection. This is intended to help you plan and record action taken to meet Points to be addressed (PTBA) against the inspection criteria. 

It is a requirement of M7 that an Action plan showing progress on PTBA is submitted with the Annual declaration in the year following inspection, and that the Action plan is kept up to date (but not submitted unless requested).

Applying for reinspection (Stage 1)

1. Download and complete the application form - for all providers:

We are not accepting hard copies by post, please email the completed application to inspection.setup@britishcouncil.org

Please keep a copy of your application as a reference and backup.

2. Stage 1 initial background documentation (please see the full list of documents above)

These documents inform the initial setting up of the inspection, allowing the Unit and inspectors to understand the size and location of the organisation.  

You must send documents 1 and 2 to the Accreditation Unit by the application deadline specified. 

The Accreditation Unit will send documents 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to the inspectors when the inspection is confirmed.

The reporting inspector will request documents 6, 7, 8, and 9 from you as soon as s/he receives confirmation of the date of the inspection. Send the documents to the inspectors, not the Unit.

At the same time, the reporting inspector will agree with you arrangements for the preparation and dispatch of Stage 2 documentation. 


Preparing for inspection (Stage 2)

Once your inspection date has been agreed, as part of Stage 2, you must send both inspectors Inspection documentation and guidance (PDF 765MB)

Templates are provided for some of these items:

Preparing for inspection (Stage 2 - academic staff qualifications)

For inspection, language centres need to document how their recruitment and support policy provides an academic staff team appropriate to the centre’s courses and students (see criterion T1).

A Recruitment and support policy template (Word 42KB) is provided, this replaces rationales previously submitted (document 27). 

If you need to check the qualifications of academic staff you can use the form below

Qualifications evaluation (Word 42KB)

Rationale for academic management template (Word 55KB) should be used to document the academic management arrangements in the rare event that no academic managers fully meet scheme requirements.

During the inspection (Stage 3)

There are no specific forms for Stage 3. Inspectors will sample files and records to obtain evidence that criteria are met.

If you would like further information on the application stages, you can download our Pre inspection advice sheet (PDF 114KB).

Feedback on inspections

We welcome your feedback on the inspection process. Please use the online survey to tell us about your experience.