This study provides an overview of the benefits and impact of schools collaborating internationally through a cultural relations approach.

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OFF/TRACK Collective: Imagining New forms of Cultural Production
Dr Poppy Spowage reflects on her CREDO Research Secondment with The British Council.

Next Generation Bangladesh 2024
The British Council’s Next Generation research series intends to bring the opinions and perspectives of young people in Bangladesh to the forefront of policy debates.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Circular Culture, the British Council Americas Fund for the Development of Sustainable Festivals
Circular Culture is an initiative of the British Council in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. It provides financial resources and training to promote artistic exchange between Latin American and the Caribbean (LATAC) countries and the United Kingdom through strengthening the offering of cultural festivals and promoting sustainable cultural development. Circular Culture has made significant contributions to participants’ knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Publishing Futures: A study of the publishing landscapes in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe
An in-depth study of the trade publishing and literature sectors in the following Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Discrimination in Europe from a Black European perspective: a framework for inclusion and anti-discrimination based on qualitative expert interviews with Black politicians in Europe
New Voices in Cultural Relations special commendation essay investigating the phenomenon of Afrophobia/Anti-Black racism in Europe.