In every country, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems will need to evolve to support citizens in navigating changing labour markets and developing the skills required to enhance employability and respond to their development goals.

The Greening TVET systems comparative analysis research provides insights into how a TVET system that supports the transition to a green and blue economy should look and what attributes should be considered.

The research

The research was conducted as part of the British Council Going Global Partnerships programme and aimed to investigate: 

  • What does a model TVET system that supports transition to a green and blue economy look like? What attributes should be considered? 
  • How can we assess the extent to which a TVET system supports transition to a green/blue economy, taking into account the limited availability of data and other evidence in many countries? 
  • What examples exist in countries which illustrate how they are enhancing, or plan to enhance, their TVET systems to ensure they support transition to a green/blue economy and deliver TVET more sustainably? 
  • What can each country do to enhance their TVET systems to ensure they support transition to a green/blue economy and deliver TVET more sustainably?  

As a result of the research, a self-assessment tool was developed. Employers, government officials and TVET providers in Botswana, Morocco, and Tanzania were invited to pilot the online version of the tool by assessing the extent to which certain elements of a model green TVET system were present in their system.  

The results of the surveys were then analysed to identify strengths, challenges, priority areas for development, and recommendations. This was followed by interactive country workshops with key informants to triangulate and validate the findings. A desk exercise and consultation were also completed with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) to test how the tool could be applied to the TVET system in England

The comparative analysis report describes the methodology, the development process that went into the tool and presents the comparative analysis of the pilot study in Botswana, Morocco, and Tanzania, as well as insights on England.  

Find the full Greening TVET systems comparative analysis report, the summary and the tool in the Downloads section below.

The Tool

The tool aims to help governments, employers, and TVET providers to assess how their TVET system can support the transition to a more sustainable and greener economy. Part of the value of the tool (acknowledged directly by participants in pilot countries) is that it helps stakeholders take a broader view of what creating a TVET system that supports the green transition entails, thinking beyond the narrow focus on occupational skills for particular 'green' industries that is sometimes taken. Instead, a wider 'systems strengthening' perspective, which also considers occupations in non-green industries (one of the biggest gaps in the current discussion), is taken.  

The tool consists of 60 questions, grouped around the following sections:

  • Policy coherence and vision  
  • Labour market intelligence & skills anticipation  
  • Employer engagement 
  • Curriculum and assessment 
  • Learner engagement and support 
  • Institutional strengthening and TVET workforce development 
  • Financing  

The British Council intends to continue to use and develop the tool and would be pleased to get feedback from others that use it and help to share findings and encourage international collaboration as a result.

How to complete the tool?

We would advise you that before completing it you should review the full Greening TVET systems comparative analysis report or read the summary, then review the full list of questions so that you have the information you need to complete it. 

Cite as: British Council, & Paeradigms. (2023). Developing a Comparative Analysis Tool for Greening TVET Systems. British Council.